Generación Re

El mundo está en un punto de inflexión y necesita desesperadamente ser reparado. Generación Re, o como nos gusta llamarlos, los Remakers, son valientes y motivados para reparar el mundo.

La Generación Re es el grupo
demográfico que ha venido
a reparar el mundo.

Nacieron en medio de la guerra, el hambre, el odio, los fenómenos naturales, entre otros, que amenazan la existencia humana.

La sociedad está en un punto de inflexión, y la Generación Re, también conocida como los Remakers, es la primera en hacer algo al respecto y los que tienen el poder para luchar.

Los Remakers son conocedores, sin pretensiones y conscientes de sí mismos, idealistas que buscan colaborar y crear una comunidad que cambie el mundo.

Son osados guerreros motivados para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor. Son audaces, ingeniosos y han venido a inspirar el cambio.

Voces que nos inspiran

Voces que
nos inspiran

Ha sido una experiencia increíble hasta ahora, conectándome con mis estudiantes en el programa de tutoría de CADENA a través de Zoom. Nos reímos, aprendemos y nos divertimos mucho.


Estoy muy agradecido/a de ser parte de Tutores con Causa porque sé que estoy haciendo una diferencia en la vida de estos niños, pero ellos también están haciendo una diferencia en la mía.


Tutores con Causa es un programa educativo actual que estamos llevando a cabo en CADENA en el que brindamos ayuda educativa a los inmigrantes que han optado por radicarse en los Estados Unidos.


¿Listo para comenzar?

Aprende cómo puedes ayudar a crear un mundo mejor, más conectado y comprometido.

Nuestros Programas

Los jóvenes adultos están abiertos y dispuestos a aprender, pero con frecuencia las oportunidades para adquirir conocimientos y poner a prueba sus habilidades son pocas.

Experiencia de

El Bootcamp
de Regen

en acción

Ariela Wulfovich

- 22 años

Simon Kleiner

- 16 Years

Raquel Weintraub

- 26 Years

Jacob Smith

- 19 Years

Olivia Johnson

- 17 Years

Ethan Davis

- 18 Years

Max Chen

- 15 Years

Grace Lee

- 14 Years


22 Años

Ariela comenzó en Cadena en 2015, participando en el Club Cadena, donde se dio cuenta de la importancia de ayudar a los demás.

Ariela comenzó en Cadena en 2015, participando en el Club Cadena, donde se dio cuenta de la importancia de ayudar a los demás. Decidió certificarse como rescatista en Israel y desde 2018, ha sido parte del equipo de rescate GoTeam de Cadena. 


Este es un grupo de voluntarios que acuden a áreas de desastre para evaluar las consecuencias y salvar vidas atrapadas bajo los escombros. Ha participado en varias misiones nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo el terremoto en Turquía en febrero de 2023.


16 Años

Ariela comenzó en Cadena en 2015, participando en el Club Cadena, donde se dio cuenta de la importancia de ayudar a los demás.

Ariela comenzó en Cadena en 2015, participando en el Club Cadena, donde se dio cuenta de la importancia de ayudar a los demás. Decidió certificarse como rescatista en Israel y desde 2018, ha sido parte del equipo de rescate GoTeam de Cadena. 

Este es un grupo de voluntarios que acuden a áreas de desastre para evaluar las consecuencias y salvar vidas atrapadas bajo los escombros. Ha participado en varias misiones nacionales e internacionales, incluyendo el terremoto en Turquía en febrero de 2023.


26 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.


19 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Olivia ​​​​

17 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ethan​ ​​​​

18 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Max​ ​​​​

15 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Grace​​ ​​​​

14 Years

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015 by participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become a certified rescuer in Israel and has been part of the GoTeam at Cadena since 2018.

A group of volunteers who go to disaster sites to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under the rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Ariela started at Cadena in 2015, participating in Cadena Club, where she realized how important it was to help others. She decided to become certified as a rescuer in Israel and since 2018, she has been part of the Cadena GoTeam. This is a group of volunteers who go to disaster areas to assess the consequences and save lives trapped under rubble. She has participated in several national and international missions, including the earthquake in Turkey in February 2023.

Los Remakers Saben Que Tikun Olam Es La Forma De Vivir La Vida

Los Remakers Saben
Que Tikun Olam Es La
Forma De Vivir La Vida

¿Qué Efectos Tiene
Tu Contribución?

Los programas de ReGeneración guían a los estudiantes a través de un viaje cuidadosamente planificado que les permite convertirse en luchadores sociales y líderes positivos que pueden ayudar a moldear nuestro mundo.

Los estudiantes aprenderán a repensar su realidad, crear soluciones sostenibles y diseñar su futuro mediante la identificación de los desafíos globales del siglo XXI, la comprensión y aplicación de la pobreza, el privilegio y la sustentabilidad mientras desarrollan la empatía.


Cuando alzamos nuestras voces colectivamente por una causa común, nuestro impacto es más fuerte. Conviértete en parte de la historia y toma acción.



$20 USD


Estuche de telefono

$20 USD



$20 USD

¿Listo para comenzar?

¿Listo para

Aprende cómo puedes ayudar a crear un mundo mejor.

Repara el mundo para hacerlo un lugar mejor.

Tu contribución nos ayudará a llevar a cabo nuestra misión.

Repair The World To Make
It A Better Place!

Your contribution will help us follow through on our mission.